The wind

Softly she blows;
Rustling leaves,
Tickling toes;
Caressing as she goes.
She can’t be boxed or bottled.
She loves to roam.
She whistles and blows, singing her songs.
She can be stubborn; when she tugs and pulls.
And even as you love her;
Her energy roams everywhere;
Making her presence known.


To love like the wind – spreading love and kindness everywhere and to everyone. Just imagine how many lives we can touch. The blessings of the wind.

With love and light – Ash ❤ 🙂


Patience by Confucius 551 B.C. -470 B.C

Do not be desirous of having things done quickly.
Do not look at small advantages.
Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly.
Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished.

A wisdom I’m beginning to learn. So let’s do things right, allowing for great affairs to be accomplished. As long as we take action steps in the direction of our dreams, they will materialize as they were meant to.

Wishing you love and light ❤ 🙂
